Konehete Park
Public: Hosted by Unaka Chapter Trout Unlimited #201
Mark your Calendars!
Event Timing: Saturday, October 22, 2022 between 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Address: Konehete Park located at 699 Connahetta St, Murphy, North Carolina 28906
Event Details: This catch and release trout fishing tournament has a $30 Regular entry fee and $10 for Kids (Entry fee includes Meal) is limited to the Unaka Chapter Trout Unlimited territory which includes Cherokee, Clay & Graham counties and the Nantahala River watershed in Macon County. Participants must report name of the water where fish was caught and provide a photo with scale that clearly indicates length. Entries must be submitted by 5:00 Pm. Prizes are presented at 6:oo PM. Public is welcome.
Grand Prize: Largest Trout
Runner up: Brown
Runner up: Rainbow
Runner up: Brookie
Raffle: Winner TBD
A BBQ Dinner ($10/plate) will follow the Tournament.